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This wiki is powered by MediaWiki, copyright © 2001-2010 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz, Andrew Garrett, Raimond Spekking, Alexandre Emsenhuber, Siebrand Mazeland, Chad Horohoe and others.

MediaWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

MediaWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA or read it online.

Software instalado

Producto Versión
MediaWiki 1.16.2
PHP 5.3.29 (cgi-fcgi)
MySQL 5.5.5-10.1.44-MariaDB

Extensiones instaladas

Páginas especiales
Editcount Mostrar Conteo de ediciones de un usuario Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
Guestbook (Versión 0.15)Adds a guestbook special page to the wiki, along with some administration. Tino Reichardt
MultipleUpload (Versión 2.0)Permite subir varios archivos de una sola vez a los usuarios Travis Derouin
Newest Pages (Versión 1.9)Muestra las últimas X páginas agregadas al wiki Rob Church
TopTenPages Shows most viewed pages Sascha
Extensiones del analizador sintáctico
Cite Añade las etiquietas <ref[ name=id]> y <references /> para utilizar notas al pie. Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
EmbedVideo (Versión 1.0)Adds a parser function embedding video from popular sources. Jim R. Wilson y Andrew Whitworth
ParserFunctions (Versión 1.3.0)Mejora el analizador lógico con funciones. Tim Starling, Robert Rohde, Ross McClure y Juraj Simlovic
SelectCategoryTagCloud (version 1.4.2) Adds a category selection tag cloud to the edit and upload pages and enables a Google Suggest like completion of categories/typeahead entered by the user. Based on WikiCategoryTagCloud, YetAnotherTagCloud and SelectCategory. Andreas Rindler <mediawiki at jenandi dot com>
VideoFlash (Versión 1.2.4)Allows to display videos from YouTube, Google Video, Dailymotion, Sevenload, Revver and similar services Alberto Sarullo, SignpostMarv Martin, Frank Forte
ConfirmEdit Simple captcha implementation Brion Vibber
QuickLink (Versión 0.6)Edit page built-in search box which provides a very quick and efficient way of inserting internal links.
UsabilityInitiative (Versión 0.1.1)Características desarrolladas por la iniciativa de usabilidad de Wikipedia para mejorar la usabilidad de MediaWiki Trevor Parscal
Vector (Versión 0.2.0)Mejora los elementos de la interfaz de usuario del aspecto Vector. Trevor Parscal, Roan Kattouw, Nimish Gautam y Adam Miller
WikiEditor (Versión 0.2.0)Provee de una interfaz extensible de edición de wikitexto y varios módulos que ofrecen características Trevor Parscal, Roan Kattouw, Nimish Gautam y Adam Miller
Funciones de extensiones
ceSetup, efReCaptcha, fnSelectCategory, wfAjaxLink, wfGuestbookSpecialpage, wfSetupParserFunctions, wfTopTenPages y wfVideoFlash
Etiquetas de extensiones sintácticas
<gallery>, <html>, <nowiki>, <pre>, <ref>, <references>, <toptenpages> y <videoflash>
Extensiones de funciones sintácticas
anchorencode, basepagename, basepagenamee, defaultsort, displaytitle, ev, evp, expr, filepath, formatdate, formatnum, fullpagename, fullpagenamee, fullurl, fullurle, gender, grammar, if, ifeq, iferror, ifexist, ifexpr, int, language, lc, lcfirst, localurl, localurle, namespace, namespacee, ns, nse, numberingroup, numberofactiveusers, numberofadmins, numberofarticles, numberofedits, numberoffiles, numberofpages, numberofusers, numberofviews, padleft, padright, pagename, pagenamee, pagesincategory, pagesize, plural, protectionlevel, rel2abs, special, subjectpagename, subjectpagenamee, subjectspace, subjectspacee, subpagename, subpagenamee, switch, tag, talkpagename, talkpagenamee, talkspace, talkspacee, time, timel, titleparts, uc, ucfirst y urlencode
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Herramientas personales
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Estado Mayor
Ordenes Militares
Buques General
De 1248 a 1514
De 1515 a 1700
De 1701 a 1833
De 1834 a 1957